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New CNN anchor Chris Cuomo tests positive for coronavirus

New CNN anchor Chris Cuomo tests positive for coronavirus

The reporter said that he is in a good mood and will continue to perform the night in the basement.

New York Gov. Andrew Koomo, CNN announcer and his brother Chris Como announced Tuesday that he had tested positive for the coronal virus after suffering from fever, chills and shortness of breath.
The reporter said that he is in a good mood and will continue to perform the night in the basement.

During the outbreak of the Corona virus in New York, Governor Como regularly attended as a guest on CNN for his brother, and the two began a blind exchange of brothers for the Empire State's response to the epidemic around the world. The interview was conducted remotely, and it was not clear when the last two brothers were in physical contact.
Chris Como wrote on Twitter that he was tested after he said that he had been exposed to several people who had tested positive for the virus. He is among many other journalists who fell ill.
“I don't want to give it to children and Christina. Doing this will make you feel worse!” Posted Como on Twitter. "I'm cut off from the basement (in fact I'm happy with the rest of the family!). I'm going to make a show here. We'll all win this by being smart, serious and lonely!"
CNN Anchor was announced before his governor's brother began a daily press conference. He told reporters that there are more than 75,000 cases of coronavirus in New York and 1,500 deaths in the state. When asked about his brother's diagnosis, the governor had the opportunity to kindly rib his brother and warn the public.
Governor Como said, "He is young, healthy, and strong. He is not as strong as you might think, but he will be okay." "But there is a lesson about this. It is a mandatory factor and a member of the press. It was there. If you leave there, you will likely become infected."
The governor also recalled chasing his brother two weeks ago against visiting his mother. Governor Como recalled the conversation, saying that his brother felt his mother was locked in his apartment. The governor was distinguished by high intentions, but he was dangerous.
"A messy man. He was isolated in the basement, but it's really fun. He told me that the dogs wouldn't come to the basement." "My brother used to be smart and loving. Fortunately we were able to discover him early enough, but it is a family, a family, a family."

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